Sensitivity in Organisms

Concept Explanation

Sensitivity in Organisms

Living things are sensitive to their environment. This means that they can detect and respond to the events in the world around them. Simple uni-cellular organisms such as Ameoba have limited sensitivity, while higher organisms such as mammals are more sensitive and can react to very small changes in light, sound, touch, smell, temperature etc.

Sensitivity in plants:

  • Plants can move slowly in the direction of light.
  • They are sensitive to gravity, enabling them to always send roots downwards and green shoots upwards.
  • They respond to temperature changes in many ways. Exposure to heat stimulate the opening of stomata , which results in increased transpiration. Alignment of leaves also depends on the exposure to light.
  • Plants are sensitive to touch. Common example is of climbers as they wrap around the support due to sense of touch. Other example is touch me not plant :  this plant curls its leaves when ever exposed to the sense of touch.
  • Sensitivity in Animals: Animals have specialised sensory cells and organs like

  • Eyes (respond to  the light to provide vision).
  • Ears(respond to sound to provide hearing)
  • Skin(nerve endings in the skin provide the sense of touch)
  • Taste buds in the tongue and the other parts of the mouth provide a keen sense of taste.
  • .... (More Text Available, Login?)
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    Question : 1

    Underwater divers wear fin-like flippers on their feet to _______________

    Right Option : A
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    Right Option : C
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    Question : 3

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    Right Option : C
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